Developmental-focused activities and training to enhance your ability to live as
independent an everyday life as possible.
- Count money and make correct change.
- Demonstrate personal finance decision-making skills.
- Make responsible expenditures.
- Pay bills.
- Deal with renting or leasing.
- Perform or arrange for home maintenance.
- Perform housekeeping tasks.
- Plan and prepare meals.
- Caring for Personal Needs.
- Practice proper grooming and hygiene.
- Dress Appropriately.
- Avoid Substance abuse.
- Discuss how to maintain physical fitness and weight.
- Identify safety signs.
- Dress Appropriately.
- Identify unfamiliar odors.
- Indentify unfamiliar sounds.
- Achieving Self-Awareness
- Identify physical and psychological needs.
- Identify interests and abilities.
- Identify emotions.
- Identify strengths and weaknesses.
- Proper appearance and exhibits positive self-concept.
- Experience and describe success and confidence.
- How to Deal with Stress.
- Identifying stressors and how each one affects you as an individual.
- Identifying physical causes of stress.
- Identifying signs and symptoms of stress.
- Managing and reducing stress.
- Achieving Socially Responsible Behavior.
- Accepting Rules and authority at school or work.
- Demonstrate appropriate behavior and social etiquette in public.
- places and when dating or eating out.
- Demonstrate knowledge of important character traits.
- Recognize personal roles.
- Making and keeping friends.
- Communicate with understanding. Communication both verbal and non-verbal.
- Knowing and Exploring Occupational Options.
- Explore occupational possibilities.
- Make realistic occupational choices.
- Identify requirements of appropriate and available jobs.
- Exhibiting Appropriate Work Habits and Behavior.